Anxiety: Joan

Joan Hardy
Contract Planner
Elgin, TX

I've suffered from high levels of anxiety for years. As I have gotten older, there was some accumulated anxiety that was with me that I hadn't had the chance to think about it and then it seemed to appear when I retired. I was so anxious and nervous that I had come to the extreme point where I was just unable to do anything. I couldn't make decisions and stuff was piling up, which was making me feel more anxious.

I felt out of control. No matter what I planned to do, I couldn't take the first step to get things done. For the last three months, I noticed that I had a real tightness in my chest and no matter what I did, it wouldn't go away. It was there all day, every day and I just couldn't shake it.

I was so paralyzed by anxiety that whether it was making a phone call or planning for the next day, I just couldn't do it. I am trying to run a consulting firm and this was definitely not enabling me to help others to get their stuff done. I was so atrophied; I could not make a commitment to do anything. Whether it was going to a concert, helping at the Christmas parade, or going out to dinner, I felt like I couldn't commit to making plans. I was doing nothing with my time and just sat in my house feeling stuck.

I tried to get more sleep to lessen the anxiety, but I would wake up in the night and worry and be unable to go back to bed. I tried exercise, but because I was having a hard time making decisions I wasn't doing that very well either. I heard about A New Day Hypnosis from a flyer. I'd done hypnosis before to lose weight and increase concentration and it had worked pretty well, so I thought it might be helpful for the stress and I decided to schedule an appointment.

I noticed a change after the first session. I felt good because I was taking a positive step to fix my problem and I felt more relaxed. The tightness in my chest is completely gone now and Laura has given me some tools to remind me to start with smaller increments and get things going, which has certainly helped. I feel more in control and I can focus and come up with a plan.

I feel more confident. I've been getting out and doing more. I have made plans to be more involved with my friends and I am able to make commitments. My house is more organized, so I can finally have people over to visit. I've hosted several activities at my house and I am creating better relationships. It helps my self-esteem to interact with other people who appreciate what I bring to the table and my husband and I are going out as a couple again.

The most important benefit for me has been the fact that the anxiety has been lifted and with the focus, things are easier. I can keep the house clean because I've created places for stuff and gotten rid of the things that I don't need. The future isn't so terrifying anymore because I have a plan. I'm going out more and pursuing projects away from the house. I am making plans about where I want to go and what I want to do. I'm more helpful to my daughters because I'm not so anxious anymore. I'm able to be a sounding board and not someone who is dictating things, which has helped me in my relationships with my family.

I have recommended A New Day Hypnosis to friends who have problems with anxiety. In today's world, there is so much stuff thrown at you that it is important to take the time for yourself to figure out what you are doing. Hypnosis is an easier way to come in and understand the underlying problems and relax while you do it. Hypnosis has been the perfect way for me to deal with this issue and I am confident that my time has been well spent in coming here.