Anxiety: Jim

Jim A. 
Systems Analyst
Austin, TX

I've suffered from overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety for as long as I can remember. I wouldn't notice that I was feeling anxious until it had all built up and then I would suddenly feel incredibly stressed. I would snap at my family and it worked against my relationships. I was very inflexible because of the anxiety and didn't go along with plans and activities for my family.

I felt out of control and it was awful. I knew I was doing the wrong things and handling things badly and I felt guilty. I didn't want to be that way and it was frustrating. My stomach has always been a little bit of a problem and the stress made things worse. I was constantly worried and not sleeping well, so I would nod off during the day at work. The days were passing by and I was just making due.

I tried to overcome my problem by changing my eating habits because of my stomach issues, but that didn't really have any affect. I bought a relaxation book and tried to follow it. I used it a couple of times and it never did much for me, so I just gave up.

I heard about A New Day Hypnosis on Citysearch. I was worried that it might not do any good and I was a little concerned that it would be super "new age-y""". Luckily, it didn't turn out that way and I started to notice that I was sleeping a lot better and was also able to get into a relaxed state when I listened to my sessions. I also noticed that I didn't have horrible stomach pains and I had a lot more energy.

I feel more in control now. I find myself less thrown by things that happen. I can compromise and be more flexible. I've realized how important it is to give myself permission to take breaks at work and do things to take care of myself so that I can handle stressors better.

Yesterday, my wife mentioned that we were going to have drinks with friends. In the past, I would have complained, but this time I was fine with it and it worked out well. I feel more confident. I know that when something come up I can deal with it and I don't get thrown the way that it used to.

I feel confident that I'm working towards getting better and better. The most important benefit from this experience has been that I am more conscious of the moment and I'm able to deal with issues in a healthier way. I would definitely recommend A New Day Hypnosis to anyone with problems with stress and anxiety. It was huge for me to be able to notice things as they were happening and be able to use the tools I needed to deal with them. I find myself looking forward to things that used to worry me and I'm much more conscious overall.